Friday 18 September 2009

Fortnight means two weeks.

Things I've learned during my first fortnight in London:

1. Tesco's is like an enormous Super Wal-mart. It's fantastically cheap. However, one should never ever go on a weekend if one wants to get out in under four hours. Really the same rule for Wal-mart, but on a larger scale.
2. It takes about a week and a half to get used to looking right first when crossing the road. I don't even think about the 'cars on the wrong side of the road' thing anymore.
3. Speaking of which, it is not illegal to park on the wrong side of the road here.
4. Black worn with navy or with brown is not considered a fashion faux pas. And I was laughed at by my Dutch flatmate when I told her one is not supposed to wear white between Labor Day and Memorial Day (obviously telling her when those days are).
5. Celcius isn't that difficult to pick up on.
6. Nothing is built on a grid here, so I must find a different way to learn my way around and find a sense of direction.
7. I didn't enroll for university; I enroled. (It's only got one L here.)
8. People had lots of fun naming places in Greater London, such as Tooting and Cockfosters.
9. It's a good idea to own several pairs of really good sneakers (aka trainers) unless one is crazy enough to try driving.
10. A 'News Agent' is a little convenient-store-like shop that sells newspapers, magazines, snacks, drinks, and cigarettes. One can also top up an Oyster Card there.
11. The afore-mentioned Oyster Card is something you put money on and use to ride the bus for cheaper- in the case of my area, half price.
12. Zebra Crossing is a place where cars are required by law to stop for pedestrians. It is marked by white stripes in the road.
13. Street musicians are not homeless people begging for change; they are licensed and paid to be there for a certain timeslot, and some of them are very good.
14. Beef is very, very cheap here; one can get a delicious steak dinner and pint of lager in a pub for under $10. (Yes, that's USD, not pounds sterling.) This is perhaps the happiest discovery of them all.

I've learned a lot of other things as well, but 14 seemed a good number to post- one thing for every day I've been here!

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